Civic Education

Civic Education Teacher List
Ms. R. Chan
Ms. S. Y. Chung
Ms. K. W. Lee
Mr. C. W. Lau
Mr. T. Lu

Civic Education Team

The Civic Education Team is committed to promoting moral and civic education by organising different types of activities and promotion work to help the students develop positive values and civic awareness. As for core civic values, we have placed greater emphasis on "Perseverance", “Respect” and "Responsibility" this year.  It is hoped that through participating in various learning activities, programmes and competitions, our students can broaden their horizons and be more responsible national and global citizens.


  1. 紅十字會戰區90 

  2. 公平貿易論壇

  3. 「憲法日認識國家問答設計」

  4. 「北京冬奧小知識 問答設計」

  5. 《一帶一路.與我何干》綜合能力比賽 

  6.   基本法學生校園大使培訓計劃

  7.  憲法、基本法及新聞時事班際問題比賽
