Academic Support for F.1 Students


Academic Support Overview

The Academic Support Team organizes a series of carefully planned workshops and interactive sessions for our F.1 students. These include workshops on note-taking to enhance study techniques, sessions focused on spelling skills to boost language proficiency, exam skills sharing sessions to refine test-taking strategies, and study skills workshops to improve overall academic performance. By promoting collaboration, our programs create an environment where students thrive academically and support each other's learning journey.


Smooth Transition and Community Building

The workshops provided by the Academic Support Team are designed to ensure a seamless transition for students entering secondary school. Through peer learning opportunities and mentorship programs, our team fosters a collaborative environment that helps students feel well-prepared and supported as they navigate this significant educational milestone. This approach establishes a strong academic foundation and cultivates a sense of community within the school.


Guidance and Support from Academic Mentors

During these workshops, our dedicated Academic Mentors share their experiences and provide valuable guidance to our F.1 students. Through personalized coaching sessions, subject-specific tutoring, and study skill workshops, our mentors empower students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel academically. Their support plays a vital role in enhancing students' educational journey.
