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Sister School Scheme - Working Together to Promote Exchange and Mutual Learning

Date: 05/02/2024

Sister School Scheme 

Working Together to Promote Exchange and Mutual Learning


Through the coordination of the Education Bureau, our school has established a sister school relationship with Shenzhen Foreign Languages GBA Academy (SGA). Recently, Principal Yuen King Hang Alan, Vice Principal Lee Chun Fa, and Chinese Language teachers, Ms. Wong and Ms. He, visited the sister school and were warmly welcomed. The activities of the day were enriching and meaningful, fostering mutual understanding through in-depth discussions on educational philosophy, curriculum, and the schools' vision. The visit also included tours of the campus facilities, highlighting the remarkable efforts made by Shenzhen Foreign Languages GBA Academy (SGA) in promoting Chinese culture. Their art gallery showcased the outstanding works of students, reflecting the fruitful outcomes of their teaching. This exchange has laid a solid foundation for future collaboration, with plans for diverse academic, technological, artistic, and cultural exchange activities. Both parties are dedicated to enhancing the professional development of teachers and broadening students' horizons, working together to improve the quality of education.



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Sister School Scheme - Working Together to Promote Exchange and Mutual Learning